Commonwealth Authority
12 mins
Dec 12
12 mins

Commonwealth Authority

& the Right to Act

Camouflage is the manner in which one disguises itself to deceive another in remaining undetected. Nature has allowed species of creatures to adapt their appearance to gain an advantage in the use of defence as well as in the use to hunt a prey. The military are masters at the practice for both ends.

A well established belief amongst the common folk is that it is a regular practiced trait amongst politicians that candidates paint themselves more or less than what they are, according to the prevailing circumstances, to gain favour of their constituents for a seat of influence and power. This adopted disguise is deception, a form of camouflage of the softer sort.

Modern democracy is one where the power conventionally defers to the people and represented by those chosen by the outcome of the tally.Kingdoms have generally given way to people’s power as in the case of the British Crown, it is installed by an Act of Parliament, and restricted in accord with the Bill of Rights 1689. TheQueen rules by serving under those restrictions, a more perfect form of republic where the people wield the power through representation for which minister advises the Queen, and for which all are liable, to the same standard that the Queen is sworn to, by likewise oath.

Australia is an extension of the British society and its government, a unified federated colony with the status of a self-ruling dominion.The Crown is ever-present pursuant to the terms of the foundation Act for the Commonwealth for the purposes of the Act which hold the people to the position of reserve powers should the Parliament seek an extension to those powers constitutionally provided. Here the community is the master in this relationship, of service to theCommonwealth, if the constitution be followed.

The name at the head of a letter signifies the authority by which it is drafted, and as notice to the recipient. Where once the letterhead of the federal government and its agencies carried the words, the ‘Commonwealth of Australia’, now replaced with the words, ‘Australian Government’, has anyone taken stock of this unseemly, but significant, change?

               Is it that the term, ‘Australian Government’, represents the Commonwealth of Australia in any legal and practical sense?

This author is in possession of documents, others that have been sighted, which informs the observer that the term, ‘Australian Government’, does not equate to the term, ‘Commonwealth Government’, nor is it intended for use within the Commonwealth, as established in 1900. In fact, by the intent of the Statutes LawRevision Act 1973, the Commonwealth of Australia had been removed from past laws and replaced with the mere term, ‘Australia’, signifying a change of authority from the Australian People to theAustralian Government, not to be confused with the Government of theCommonwealth.

You would be forgiven if you find yourself mystified and scratching your head as to the revolutionary event that reorganised the federal government in Australia. An FOI request on the subject returned an outcome that the Australian people where not directly notified of this usurpation of power except of the publication of the laws passed that effected this change. The Gazette itself was renamed from that of the ‘Commonwealth’ to that of ‘Australia’.

In line with this intention to remove the authority of the people, the federal parliament under the direction of the Whitlam government replaced the office of the Queen appertaining to the Crown with or of their own making styled, Queen of Australia, one that takes advice by Australian ministers. Such a scheme is novel and unrecognised by the foundation law for the Commonwealth. In effect the new Parliament of Australian, influenced by the Whitlam government, created its own ‘Crown of Australia’ to supersede that of the United Kingdom.

A review of the foundation law finds that such change of authority of parliament and government is not only un-authorised but impliedly prohibited by strict adherence to “… an indissoluble federalCommonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom ...”. Here, the preamble read with the second clause, it is realised that theCrown obligated under its own law is ‘stuck like glue’ to the Commonwealth, giving effect to the relationship that theMonarch has with Her subjects.

It is a matter of record that the current government and parliament have paid lip service in reliance of the Commonwealth Constitution, one which fails to provide recognition to the current parliament and government.

                   So has this unconstitutional discourse come to be?
                 Does the Australian Government and Parliament of Australia have its own constitution?

That, my fellow compatriots, is the burning request before the Attorney-General of Australia for which answer is awaiting. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that source of authority, …. you might go blue. The expected response is the usual “it can’t be found. So, ….  it does not exist”and that confession, for lack of authority, is a mere embarrassment to ignore as business of politics goes on as usual.

What is evident here for each and every one of us to take home is the consequence of a government conducting their affairs outside of the rule of law that had been laid down in very expressed limits for exercise of power. That usurpation of those limits has a definite criminal aspect to it in pretending power in place of that of the Commonwealth and Crown. It’s called sedition and treachery for which the treason laws of England come into play.

In any scheme to remove the Queen from Her rightful title of office, in operation by law, is the heavy crime at section three of the Treason Felony Act 1848as the Act follows the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900, a British Act, in the same manner the InterpretationAct 1889 follows British law for its interpretation. When Gough Whitlam and his accomplices set on removing the Commonwealth and Crown in 1973 they effectively violated their parliamentary oath to hold office and became unseated of that office.

The law does not allow for the effective recognition of an Act that enlivens the Criminal law, here, sedition and treason. At the time of this usurpation of Commonwealth power Whitlam no longer held the Prime Ministership. As he was in violation of his oath under the principle that “The Crown can do no wrong”, it was done so out of office. History will need to be re-written to reflect his criminal conduct and outcome of steering the Commonwealth into the rocks.

         "Where the law ends tyranny begins"
                                                                                                Henry Fielding

Labor Pirates have scuttled the good ship, ‘The Commonwealth’ … ! So now,…. what is to be said and done to this act of piracy?

The law of the fifth clause of the foundation Act implies that we each have the obligation to one another to maintain our authority, ‘the. Commonwealth’, through the contract of community within the Act which we are all bound, in our position of office, in our ballots, in our taxes, in our courts, and otherwise participation in dialogue or scrutiny:

                  Cl.5. This Act, and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth under theConstitution, shall be                       binding on the courts, judges, and people of every State and of every part of the Commonwealth….

The first of all, our action hereon, is to understand the events and consequences in that we may be able to inform the community of this audacious attempt to deprive us of our power as complacency will continue the fraud upon us. We have social media as an unprecedented power and reach to call out the thieves of our constitutional monarchy acting in respect of our form of democracy, one protected within the bounds of ancient laws. In that manner this platform, under the name ‘Our Commonwealth’,is maintained to project the truth of our current government and parliament. Yours may be just to connect and share, so that we may learn to be critical and influence the return of responsible government.

Corrupt governments act as vertically integrated criminal organisations to maximize corrupt profits and use the judiciary to ensure impunity.

                                                       UnderstandingCorrupt Governments as Criminal Networks bySarah Chayes

It is crucial to inform the unsuspecting that conduct of government, outside the operation of law, leaves itself with no authority, but merely the pretence of government. The same must be held of those exercising judicial power of office. There simply is no manner to have judicial power in a constitutional monarchy without proper and lawful authority from the source of that authority, …. the Queen.

The oath to the Queen of Australia taken by politicians is worth less than what you may gain by swearing to a box of cereal, …. at least you aren’t committing a crime swearing to a box of cereal. The judges and magistrates caught in this dilemma know very well the consequences of pretending office and therefrom the effectiveness of their judgements and orders. When having to confront these judicial officers, pretending office, are quest for disclosure may prove to be effective in revealing the jurisdiction of the court, and hence its power or lack thereof.

                                  Sir, as a matter of disclosure to understand the power and jurisdiction of this court, I request you state whether or not you have an oath to Her Majesty, constitutionally                                  recognised.

This would bring the judge or magistrate to consider carefully if he or she can make answer that conceals his condition without making a false statement. Disclosure is a serious matter as it may be grounds for mistrial if not criminal charges for contempt of theCommonwealth, being the people. The law, here for consideration, is the fifth clause of the foundation law where it holds all the judges and courts to maintain the Commonwealth by the words, “shall be binding”,where the Royal mandate may not be broken by those in office, or by those in pretence of.

So, with the law in our sails, it’s time to call out the pretenders and claim the Commonwealth or suffer the consequences of creeping tyranny under the guise of legitimate power. There is no reason whatsoever for those in government not to call out the actions of those who wish to continue the ruse unless they have something to gain it its concealment.

This,Our Commonwealth platform in service to the Australian community, may be referred to in exposing public officials to the information that they may reference and explore the subject of the legal authority that operates in accord to the authority of the people and the Crown. In time the government’s own documents will be identified in this platform to prove the true nature of the governments’ agenda and backing by law, or lack thereof. This effort, at the time of December3 2021, is under development and coordination with several talented associates.

Once the Australian people find that the law places each one of themselves to be in the true position of power for the operation of government then the wayward behaviour of the current breed of dictators will become a thing of the past, be it a dark past.

As for the situation in the States where premiers and their ministers call out those who won’t fall into step of their dictates as criminal elements of society they need to be reminded of whom and in what manner they serve.  The Protesters rightfully marching the streets in pursuit of their freedoms should ask the public officials upon whose authority they claim for their position of office:

Do you have Our Commonwealth permission and that of the Crown ?

Neil Piccinin

A student of the law is generically called a lawyer to which I identify. However only those who receive the status of passing the required certificates in passing tests may go on to practice under licence. I am fortunate that I am not constrained by that licence.

Commonwealth Authority
12 mins

Commonwealth Authority

Dec 12
12 mins

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Neil Piccinin

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